34338391If you haven’t yet discovered the talented and passionate writer Louise Desalvo, On Moving is a wonderful opportunity to begin to glimpse this unapologetic feminist and highly accomplished scholar’s inner life and to share her fascinating musings and insights into the lives of writers you may also have read and loved .  Marilyn Demario writes:

“With a voice that is both elegantly literary and deeply personal, Louise DeSalvo explains how well she understands the spirit of place. We all have places that remain in memory no matter how many years have passed, but more than that, we also have places that call to us in very mysterious ways. Professor DeSalvo understands how we are both shaped and altered by place. She saves most of her personal experience until the last chapter, but by then, we are highly receptive to her insights because she has elucidated the place experiences of Virginia Woolf, Henry Miller, D.H Lawrence, Mark Doty, Elizabeth Bishop and others in a way that recognizes the impact of place on the human spirit. An important book for anyone who wonders where they are.”

Desalvo’s other memoirs are also deeply moving and important works and may be especially so for readers of Italian American descent. Vertigo and Crazy in the Kitchen: Food Feuds and Forgiveness in an Italian American Family along with the masterful work, Adultery help to complete a picture of a richly “examined” life that we are fortunate Desalvo has chosen to share with us. We can only look forward to more.